There are many reasons why you might need a place on Stoney Lake to launch and dock your boat. Of course, if your cottage is on an island, it’s an absolute must to have a safe, secure dock to tie up to…or if you’re fishing regularly or you just like boating on the lake regularly it’s great to just hop in the car and get in the boat without the hassle of towing, launching, and hauling it back up on the trailer.
Plus, you won’t have any worries about having enough gas in the tank even if you’re coming up later in the evening. Just call and let us know when you’re coming up, and we’ll have the gas tank filled and ready to go. If you want, leave a spare set of keys with us and we’ll make sure it starts. That’s another thing you won’t have to worry about…losing your keys, because you will always know, the spare is at Carveth’s Marina.
For added security there is someone in the office 7 days a week from May 1st until Thanksgiving. Now that’s Concierge Service with Old Lake Charm!

Docking Rates 2024 per Boat
½ Day (up to 12 hours) $15
24 Hours $25
Weekend $35
1 Week $115 (+$20 for pontoon boats)
2 Weeks $210 (+$40 for pontoon boats)
Month $295 (+$60 for pontoon boats)
Seasonal $750 (+$80 for pontoon boats)
Reserved $825 (+$100 for pontoon boats)
Trailer Ramp (In/Out) $17
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