Boater’s Assistance Association
“Membership Has Its Privileges”
Carveth’s Marina has been helping Boaters on Stoney and Clear Lake since 1928.
And our top priority has always been to make sure that your boating experience is as safe and pleasurable as possible. No matter what happens to your watercraft on the lake or at the dock, you and your family’s personal safety is our main concern.
That’s why we created the BAA. Our mission is to give peace of mind whether you have:
- hit a rock or some other object in the water that has damaged your boat or is in danger of sinking,
- run out of gas or have gas line problems,
- the battery dies, or the motor just won’t start,
- experiencing electrical or engine problems and you need a tow back,
- a family member is lost on the lake and needs assistance; this usually happens late at night when it’s harder to recognize familiar landmarks,
- or maybe you had one drink too many at a friend’s cottage or restaurant on the lake and it would be a lot safer for you and your family if we drove you home.
Whatever the reason, for less than the cost of a Tim Hortons coffee a day during the boating season, we’re here to help you with any boating situation/emergency you may face so you can enjoy stress-free boating and leave the worrying to us. Is you and your family’s safety and peace of mind worth a cup of coffee a day?
BAA Membership Levels
Season: April 1 to November 1
Hrs: 8:00 am – 8:00 pm 7 days/wk
- Two On-Lake or At Dock Rescue Battery Boosts
- One On-Lake Recovery Rescue/Tows
- On-Lake Delivery – 8L of Fuel
- $0.04 Per Litre Discount on Fuel Purchases at Carveth’s Marina
- 5% Discount on Purchase of 20 Lbs. Propane Tank Exchange
- 5% Discount on Stoney Lake Apparel & Marina Purchases*
*Note: Discount Does Not Apply To Boats, Motors/Service Work - 5% Discount on Emergency Designated Driver Services – Never Drink & Drive
- 5% Discount on Boat Rentals
- One Water Taxi Service (Value Up To $99):
Price Dependent on Distance To Cottage.
Season: April 1 to November 1
Hrs: 8:00 am – 8:00 pm 7 days/wk
- Three On-Lake or At Dock Rescue Battery Boosts
- Two On-Lake Recovery Rescue/Tows
- On-Lake Delivery – 12L of Fuel
- $0.05 Per Litre Discount on Fuel Purchases at Carveth’s Marina
- 5% Discount on Purchase of 20 Lbs. Propane Tank Exchange
- 6% Discount on Stoney Lake Apparel & Marina Purchases*
*Note: Discount Does Not Apply To Boats, Motors/Service Work - 5% Discount on Emergency Designated Driver Services – Never Drink & Drive
- 6% Discount on Boat Rentals
- One Water Taxi Service (Value Up To $99):
Price Dependent on Distance To Cottage.
Season: April 1 to November 1
Hrs: 24 hour service 7 days/wk
- Four On-Lake or At Dock Rescue Battery Boosts
- Four On-Lake Recovery Rescue/Tows
- On-Lake Delivery – 16L of Fuel
- On-Lake Assessment for damage: i.e. motor, prop, etc.
- $0.08 Per Litre Discount on Fuel Purchases at Carveth’s Marina
- 8% Discount on Purchase of 20 Lbs. Propane Tank Exchange
- 10% Discount on Stoney Lake Apparel & Marina Purchases*
*Note: Discount Does Not Apply To Boats, Motors/Service Work - 5% Discount on Emergency Designated Driver Services – Never Drink /& Drive
- 10% Discount on Boat Rentals
- Two Water Taxi Services (Value Up To $99 each): Price Dep.
- If You or A Family Member Is Lost on The Lake, We’ll Go Get Them & Bring Them Back
- All Immediate Family Members Included
- One Boating Safety Class incl.
How Can We Help You...