Carveth’s Marina Ice Out Date Contest

Snowmobilers love it when the lake freezes over and they can zip around the lake…However, that’s not me! What I look forward to is when the ice finally leaves Stoney Lake and we can start getting those boats back in the water!

For many years now, I have been having a contest for the families and friends of Carveth’s Marina, to guess the “Ice Out Date”.  That’s the day when the ice is completely out of the lake.

It’s a Fun Contest and of course, there are prizes for the winners who correctly guess the date.

1st Prize – Your Choice of:

        (a) Bottle of Crown Royal
        (b) Stoney Lake Sweatshirt
        (c) Boater’s Fire Extinguisher

2 nd Prize – Your Choice of:
        (a) Bottle of Bailey’s
        (b) Emergency Boater’s Kit
        (c) Carveth’s Marina Gift

     – $35.00 Value

3 rd Prize – Your Choice of:
        (a) Bottle of Red Vine
        (b) Carveth’s Marina Gift Certificate:
   – $25.00 Value

Here are some “Ice Out” dates from the past 43 years that might help you submit an educated guess.

Date Year Date Year Date Year
1978 01-May 2003 21-Apr 2028
13-Apr 1979 19-Apr 2004 19-Apr 2029
18-Apr 1980 11-Apr 2005 19-Apr 2030
03-May 1981 04-Apr 2006 12-Apr 2031
17-Apr 1982 25-Apr 2007 19-Apr 2032
16-Apr 1983 14-Apr 2008 18-Apr 2033
23-Apr 1984 16-Apr 2009 05-Apr 2034
22-Apr 1975 18-Apr 2010 02-Apr 2035
28-Apr 1986 07-Apr 2011 14-Apr 2036
24-Apr 1987 08-Apr 2012 24-Mar 2037
16-Apr 1988 09-Apr 2013 19-Apr 2038
19-Apr 1989 23-Apr 2014 25-Apr 2039
01-May 1990 20-Apr 2015 18-Apr 2040
13-Apr 1991 10-Apr 2016 31-Mar 2041
11-Apr 1992 28-Apr 2017 08-Apr 2042
08-Apr 1993 23-Apr 2018 25-Apr 2043
18-Apr 1994 20-Apr 2019 21-Apr 2044
27-Apr 1995 06-Apr 2020 05-Apr 2045
28-Apr 1996 24-Apr 2021 03-Apr 2046

Just send me an email at with the date you think the ice will finally be out and you’ll be entered into the contest. If there are ties, all the names will be put into a hat and the winners will be picked from there.

Good Luck,
Randy Hauth.